Monday, September 2, 2013

Take time out to vote!

Hi everyone,

My nephew, Matthew E. has the opportunity to be the Ambassador for Adventures in Oddessy and help them all this year and also go on a mission trip to costa rica. He submitted a video of all the acts of service he did this summer for others and now he is a semi finalist.

 Would you vote for him once a day until Sept 15th?

 Click here to vote:
He is a semi finalist and is super excited!  I would love for this dream to come reality for him.

THANK YOU so much for your kindness and time.
Photo: Your vote is needed to help Matthew WIN!! Matthew is a semi-finalist in the Adventures in Odyssey (Focus on the Family) ACTS contest.  His video has been selected to compete against 12 other boys nationwide for best video! Winner will be the Adventures in Odyssey Ambassador for one year and be featured in the Adventures in Odyssey magazine, website, podcast and will get a one week free trip to Costa Rica with Good Goers to work in an orphanage and he'll also get to take whitewater rafting trip in Costa Rica! Voting begins Sunday the 1st and runs through the 15th of September.  We need your help to tell everyone you know about this and ask them to vote; we need every vote you can find for him!!  You can vote once per day, per computer,  so please vote every day for Matthew and make his dream come true to be the Adventures in Odyssey Ambassador! vote here:
Vote here:
There are 2 Matthews, make sure to vote for Matthew E.

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