Monday, December 26, 2011

Merry Christmas 2011

Student, Age 10

I wish I could have shown all of the beautiful artwork that came out of December classes, but it simply takes too long to load onto this blog.  One picture takes 5 minutes to download.  Yikes!

 I was so pleased with how all the baby Jesus pictures turned out
 and the snowboarder pictures turned out for pastel month.  
 You all make me so proud!

I wanted to be sure and send a very Merry Christmas to all of my students and their parents! 
I hope you all had a wonderful time visiting with family and friends. 
We had a blessed Christmas here, our big gift this year, was getting a new puppy, Jasmine.
She is an adorable 8week old black lab.  The kids are having fun with her.  She is a lot of work as we expected, but she is worth the trouble!  =)  She will not be allowed to go into the art room.  She has a crate in the backroom and if my art students aren't allergic, I will let them see the puppy after art class is done on the first art class day in January. 
Speaking of January,  class starts Jan 4-7,
Wednesday through Saturday. 
 Art medium is Watercolor!   
We will be exploring the deep sea as we go underwater!

Are you new to Art with B. Calvert and want to join us in January?  I have openings in the following classes:
Thursday 9-15 yrs old    5:15pm-6:15pm.
Friday 5-8 yrs old       9:30am-10:30am
Friday 9-15 yrs old      10:45am-11:45am
Saturday 9-15 yrs old    10:45am-11:45am 

We meet the first 3 weeks of the month. Once a week. Price per person is $36.  I do offer sibling discounts if two or more siblings are attending the class.  Also, if there is just one student in the family that attends art class, there is a discount for paying 3 months at a time.  All payments are non-refundable.

Questions?  email me!
Thank you and have a great rest of Christmas break. 
See you next year!!!!
Brenda Calvert

1 comment:

The Chatty Housewife said...

Hi there, just visiting from the Ferndale MOMS club! It was fun to see all the artwork!