Thursday, September 15, 2011

Featuring Thursday Classes artwork!

We used our good ol imagination today.  We used different mediums such as graphite pencils, charcoal and colored pencils.  Enjoy their beautiful artwork!
Army Men

Sunset on the water

frog on a lily pad

dragon fly

a beautiful girl with bangs

frog catching a fly with his tongue

house across the street

horse with a saddle

frog on a lily pad catching dinner

A horse with saddle and stirrups

Man in shark tank

frog on a hot day, tongue catching a fly

frog jumping up

in the deep blue sea

Man staring at himself in the mirror starts to see himself everywhere! In the sun, clouds, even a dog looks like him.

big wave a coming!

down, down on the ocean floor lurks a shark!

what a beautiful monarch butterfly out my bedroom window!

Sword fish going towards an octopus!

birdhouse on top of a tree stump

looking for something to eat!

All the colorful sea life are staying low to get out of the way of the Shark!

Thanks to all of my thursday students for your participation today!  It was a lot of fun!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Student artwork

Posting 60 plus pictures of each and every one of my art students each month on my blog is a challenge and time consuming.  To solve this "problem", I will be featuring two days of classes each month.   This month I will be featuring the artwork of Wednesday and Thursday classes.  October, I will be featuring artwork from the Friday and Saturday classes.  I hope this works for everyone.  As always, I am open to suggestions if you have any better options.  I will look into doing a slideshow and see if that works for me as well, until then, I will do it this way.  Thanks!  Everyone has done an amazing job thus far in art class.  I am so proud to post them all on my blog.  =)

Featuring Wednesday Art Classes!

Here are my Wednesday class's artwork that they worked on today. We worked on Still Life art.   I am so proud of my students for looking at different objects on the table, and drawing what they see! 
They did great! 

Great job Wednesday Students!  keep up the good work!  --Mrs. Calvert

Feel free to leave a comment, I am sure the kids would love it!  Thanks!

Monday, September 5, 2011

More Summer Art done by my students this summer on their own

My computer "lost" some of my pictures.  I so happy to report, a friend of mine showed me how to recover them!  I am thrilled!  So, I thought I would show you 3 pictures from my students summer art homework that I found!  I also lost the pictures of my kids 1st day of school, so I am happy to have those recovered as well! 
Regarding the summer artwork done by the kids, I was so blessed to have them show me their work.  Anytime my art students want to show me artwork that they have done at home, I would be thrilled to see it.  Thank you!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

2 Art Advocacy vidoes worth watching

I have been wanting to mention to you all the important affects art has on your child's life.  I ran across this video and it said it all, so I thought I would just share this video with you!  They wrote it all out for me! 
Video:   Top ten reasons why art is important to your child's life

Here is a short video of a cute story "See Spot" on the importance of doing activities that stimulate child's minds.
Video:    Cute Children's story video regarding art advocacy

Thank you for bringing your child to art class!  Something that they will carry on through life!
Mrs. Calvert